Book Series

Knit to unwind; walk to balance life. One pattern; endless variations.
Carved of brownstone portrait knit into cabled color.
Driven by curiosity to go see and find patterns and patterns in nature, writing the stories of what is found knits up life.

A Boston on point in an author's beloved and overgrown apple orchard.

A Boston on point in an author’s beloved and overgrown apple orchard.

A process of engineering an idea, figuring out what works, how to get there. What color can do. Cables. When to modify and frog back all until results match the mind’s eye. Make one. Change the yarn, color, cables, pattern. Knit another. Clarify; take notes. Center a design on the back. Wear and observe how yarns and construction work or don’t work in daily field and farm explorations. Knit more. Compile it all in to sourcebook sketches, field notes, history, quotes. Along the way learn that knitting furiously can wear out bamboo or wood needles. That male dogs have a different fit need for comfort because of how they function. Apply all learned.

The growing stack of finished work must be distilled into pages. Endless ideas. A hybrid delivery of digital married to print capability on demand born from a business reporting background leveraged by years of living life in country settings from rural Florida to acres of farmland in the mountains of western Virginia to a more urban setting in Connecticut.

Writing code is another way of knitting life into reality. Animation fits into the big picture. Here we go.