Peace Fleece: A Global Fiber Community

Peace Fleece is more than a yarn company. Sheplova Mushroom Peace Fleece yarn -  think of the company as an international human relations force using fiber as a how-do-you-do.Is it possible to fall for a skein of yarn?

You bet. When you know the story behind a skein and the people who worked together to create it – every knit or purl can be a thoughtful meditation on “difficult, but not impossible.”

Peter Hagerty, co-founder (seen below, that’s him on the plow horse, photo linked to his story about the plow day) writes: “I used to describe Peace Fleece as an international yarn company doing business with historic enemies like Palestinians and Israelis and Russians and Americans. Today that description still holds true but recently I have grown to see it more as a place where very normal people come together on a regular basis to help each other get through the day.”

Working with fiber elicits quiet sighs for many, an island of bliss amid chaos.

Hagerty and his wife, Marty Tracy, started with a company in 1986 in response to the cold war, “believing that historic enemies could co-exist through trade.” Agriculture is their chosen “medium to bring people closer together” – and it works. In the 26 ensuing years, that belief has transformed into reality – one person at a time – half a world away from their horse and sheep farm in Maine – and in their own town.

Anyone looking for an infusion of beauty, texture, quality and color (natural hues too), feast your eyes on their new catalog and web site. There’s yarn (so country classic it makes me want to roll around in it); roving, handmade drop spindles – and stories. Don’t miss a gallery of felted horses and farm animals by Luba or the sturdy wooden puzzles and toys from Russia.
A wooden puzzle from Russia - part of the international trade started by the founders of Peace Fleece in Maine. Note: On Etsy there’s a flock of fans who describe “wonderful wool yarn that is versatile and economical” – and they welcome new members. Retail shops to peruse the yarn may be found at this listings link. Look for more about how this yarn works up as we knit through a storm – plus a finished object, after blocking.

Chris Brunson