In search of a sturdy, well-designed yet functional sweater, and frustrated with anything on the market is how the custom-knit designer handknit sweater for Boston terriers found my needles in 2009.

A model Boston casts a shadow on the well-worn boards of a dock. Each is different yet similar, just like each living being. One size does not fit all.
Size has been modified to fit chihuahuas to terriers of all breeds. Designs differ for male or female, of course. The quest for excellent yarn that is also beautiful leads to sheep and wool festivals, visits to fiber mills who make quality yarn. After knitting up the garment, years of real-life yarn trials begin in the field, on the farm, and about town. The original design has been tempered with time and improvements (and discards) noted in a now-battered journal of a book yet to be distilled.
“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” – Steve Jobs
To be continued.